Film: Safe Agua Chile

Client: Un Techo Para Chile & Designmatters
Title: “Safe Agua Chile"
Logline: Design students travel abroad to develop solutions for communities living without running water

Synopsis: Through the collaboration between Designmatters at ArtCenter College of Design and Latin American NGO, Un Techo para Mi País in 2009, six teams of students traveled to Chile to observe life in the slums or campamentos on the outskirts of Santiago. Their assignment was to learn about the challenges of safe water access for Chile’s poorest families and design solutions for every day tasks like bathing, cooking and cleaning. 

Safe Agua Chile documents the students’ research trip and design process back at school to develop low cost innovative prototypes that could alleviate the burden of slum residents living without running water. The project was part of Designmatters’ first Safe Agua delegation to Latin America and Safe Agua Chile was the first student film developed on behalf of the program, initiating what is now a thriving relationship between both the Film and Designmatters departments. Excerpts of the film were featured on the Smithsonian Channel’s Design with the Other 90%.


Fast Company - "Six solutions saving water and saving lives

Designmatters - "Safe Agua: Using Design to Improve Life"

Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt, Nat’l Design Museum - "Design for the Other 90%, Safe Agua Project

Core 77 Design Awards - "Safe Agua, Notable for Design for Social Impact"

Cooper Hewitt Nat’l Showcase - "Design for the Other 90%"

Design Observer - "Safe Agua